International Conference On Arts, Linguistics, And Culture To commemorate the university anniversary, Arts Education Postgraduate Program and Culture Studies of Universitas Sebelas Maret is proudly to hold and international Conference on recent Arts Education, Arts, and Social research. This scientific meeting accommodates Arts Education, Arts, and Social scholars, experts as well as anybody who has interest in researching Arts Education to share their ideas and findings. The theme of the meeting is Sharing Ideas and Findings of Recent Arts Education, Arts, and Social scholars Research. Artistic products may not be the main target, however, by art people can understand and embrace the beauty, impressions, and values of an artwork.
That is why, the creation process requires a mature intellectual and humanist consideration as fundamental work. Both society and culture are essential aspects of the workarts. The development of cultural value occur in global community’s today is certainly a stimulant for artist in creating an art in accordance with the current flourishing values. Arts as a product of the socio-cultural development which in essence, is a reflection of the inherent dynamic cultural life values. To cope with current global demands, a humanist education media should be able to present critical perception-based education through reading various artistic texts and practicing art in accordance with the contextual artwork birth.

International Conference On Arts, Linguistics, And Culture To commemorate the university anniversary, Arts Education Postgraduate Program and Culture Studies of Universitas Sebelas Maret is proudly to hold and international Conference on recent Arts Education, Arts, and Social research. This scientific meeting accommodates Arts Education, Arts, and Social scholars, experts as well as anybody who has interest in researching Arts Education to share their ideas and findings. The theme of the meeting is Sharing Ideas and Findings of Recent Arts Education, Arts, and Social scholars Research. Artistic products may not be the main target, however, by art people can understand and embrace the beauty, impressions, and values of an artwork.
That is why, the creation process requires a mature intellectual and humanist consideration as fundamental work. Both society and culture are essential aspects of the workarts. The development of cultural value occur in global community’s today is certainly a stimulant for artist in creating an art in accordance with the current flourishing values. Arts as a product of the socio-cultural development which in essence, is a reflection of the inherent dynamic cultural life values. To cope with current global demands, a humanist education media should be able to present critical perception-based education through reading various artistic texts and practicing art in accordance with the contextual artwork birth.