VISI Program Studi Magister Ilmu Tanah Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
“Menjadi penyelenggara pendidikan ilmu dan teknologi di bidang Ilmu Tanah yang berkelanjutan dan tanggap terhadap perubahan isu global di kawasan tropis yang unggul di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.”

Vision of Master Program Soil Science Department Sebelas Maret University

“To be a provider of sustainable science and technology education in the field of Soil Science and responsive to changes in global issues in the tropics that excel at national and international levels.”

MISI Program Studi Magister Ilmu Tanah Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan magister Ilmu Tanah yang menghasilkan lulusan Magister Pertanian yang tanggap terhadap perubahan isu global di kawasan tropis.
  2. Menyelenggarakan penelitian untuk mengembangkan ilmu dan teknologi di bidang Ilmu Tanah yang berkelanjutan dan tanggap terhadap perubahan isu global di kawasan tropis.
  3. Menyelenggarakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berbasis hasil penelitian dalam bidang Ilmu Tanah yang berkelanjutan dan tanggap terhadap perubahan isu global di kawasan tropis.

MissionĀ of Master Program Soil Science Department Sebelas Maret University

  1. Organizing a Masters Study in Soil Science education that produces Agriculture Masters graduates who are responsive to changes in global issues in the tropics.
  2. Conducting research to develop science and technology in the field of Soil Science that is sustainable and responsive to changes in global issues in the tropics.
  3. Organizing community service based on the results of research in the field of Soil Science that is sustainable and responsive to changes in global issues in the tropics.

TUJUAN Program Studi Magister Ilmu Tanah Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

  1. Menghasilkan lulusan Magister Pertanian yang profesional di bidang Ilmu Tanah yang berkelanjutan dan tanggap terhadap perubahan isu global di kawasan tropis.
  2. Menghasilkan karya penelitian yang inovatif dan unggul yang mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan di bidang Ilmu Tanah yang berkelanjutan dan tanggap terhadap perubahan isu global di kawasan tropis.
  3. Menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian dalam bidang Ilmu Tanah yang berkelanjutan dan tanggap terhadap perubahan isu global di kawasan tropis.

The Aim of Master Program Soil Science Department

  1. Produce professional Master of Agriculture graduates in the field of Soil Science who are responsive to changes in global issues in the tropics.
  2. Produce innovative and superior research works that are able to solve problems in the field of Soil Science that are sustainable and responsive to changes in global issues in the tropics.
  3. Disseminate the results of research in the field of Soil Science that is sustainable and responsive to changes in global issues in the tropics.