- Digital Public Health
- Health Policy and Administration
- Health Promotion Theory, Health Behavior Change and Communication
- Epidemiology
- Public Health Nutrition
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Environmental Health
- Reproductive Health
- Quantitative, Qualitative & Mixed Research Methods
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Bias, Confusion, and Causation
- Linear Regression Analysis, Logistic Regression, and Multilevel Analysis
- Cancer Epidemiology & Chronic Disease
- Evidence Based Practice
- Epidemiology of Infectious Disease & Immunization
- Path Analysis & Structural Equation Model
- Social and Lifelong Epidemiology
- Molecular & Genetics Epidemiology
- Cox Proportional Hazard Model/Survive Analysis
- Surveillance and Geographic Information Systems
- Nutritional Epidemiology & Aging
Health Promotion and Behavior
- Health Promotion Theory and Health Behavior Change
- Sociology of Health
- Social Marketing and Designing Health Promotion Media
- Sport, Physical Activity, and Wellness Promotion
- Anthropology of Health
- Health Communication
- Health in All Policies
- Health Promotion Management
- Policy, Legislation, & Health Promotion Advocacy
- Educational Theory and Human Development
- Social and Lifelong Epidemiology
- Community Empowerment and Development
Maternal and Child Health
- Nutrition Needs During Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Children
- Reproductive Health
- Policy, Legislation & Maternal Child Health Advocacy
- Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases and Immunization
- Adolescent Health & Disabilities
- Social and Lifelong Epidemiology
- Family Planning Program Policies & Planning
- Health Promotion Management
- Risk Factors for Pregnancy and Childbirth (Safe Motherhood)
- Child and Adolescent Development
- Sociology of Health
Health Policy and Management
- Health Service Quality Management
- Health Financing & Financial Management
- Health Information System and Medical Records
- Strategic Management and Operational Management of Health Services
- Leadership and HR Management
- Health Policy, Legislation, and Advocacy
- Hospital Management
- Health Services Promotion
- Policy Analysis and Health System Development
- Health Program Planning and Evaluation
- Cost Effectiveness Analysis, Productive Efficiency, and Allocative Efficiency
- Fairness in Health Financing
- Proposal Seminar
- Result Seminar and Publication Manuscript
- Thesis Examination
Total number of credits : 66