Model Penilaian Kualitas Pelokalan Video Games Berbasis Ludifikasi

ABSTRACT SF. Luthfie Arguby Purnomo. T141508005. “Ludification Based Video Game LocalizationQuality Assessment”. Promotor: Prof. M.R. Nababan, M.Ed., MA., Ph.D., M.S. ; Co-promotor I: Prof. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed., Ph.D., Co-promotor II: Dra. Diah Kristina, MA, Ph.D., Dissertation of Doctorate Program of Surakarta Sebelas Maret University. Previous studies on video game localization quality assessment tend to demarcate video game …[Read More]

Call For Paper The Fourth PRASASTI Internasional Seminar on Linguistics (PISL-4)

Abstract submission is extended! Linguistics Doctoral Program of Universitas Sebelas Maret in commemorating the university anniversary is proudly to hold an international seminar on recent linguistics research. This scientific meeting accommodates linguistics scholars, experts as well as anybody who has interest in researching languages to share their ideas and findings. Selected papers will be published …[Read More]

Call for Paper The Fourth PRASASTI International Seminar on Linguistics (PISL-4)

Call For Paper The Fourth PRASASTI Internasional Seminar on Linguistics (PISL-4) Linguistics Doctoral Program of Universitas Sebelas Maret in commemorating the university anniversary is proudly to hold an international seminar on recent linguistics research. This scientific meeting accommodates linguistics scholars, experts as well as anybody who has interest in researching languages to share their ideas …[Read More]

Pelesapan Argumen Kalimat Majemuk dalam Bahasa Jawa : Suatu Tinjauan Tipologi Sintaktik

ABSTRACT F.X. Sawardi. T110908002. “The Deletion of Argument of Complex/ Compound Sentences in Javanese: A Study of Syntactic Typology”. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Sumarlam, M.S. ; Co-promotor: Dr. Dwi Purnanto, M.Hum., Dissertation of Doctorate Program of Surakarta Sebelas Maret University. This research aims at determining the type of the Javanese language in relation to Dixon’s concept (1994). …[Read More]