Gradasi dan Pergeseran Strategi Kesantunan Berbahasa Pelaku Pariwisata terhadap Wisatawan Jepang di Bali


A.A. Ayu Dian Andriyani. T131508001. Gradasi dan Pergeseran Strategi Kesantunan Berbahasa Pelaku Pariwisata terhadap Wisatawan Jepang di Bali . Promotor: Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M.A.; Co-Promotor-1: Prof. Dr. Sumarlam, M.S. ; Co-Promotor 2: Dr. Ely Triasih Rahayu, S.S., M.Hum.;  Dissertation of Doctorate Program of Surakarta Sebelas Maret University.

Disertasi ini mengkaji gradasi dan pergeseran strategi kesantunan berbahasa pelaku pariwisata terhadap wisatawan Jepang di Bali. Rumusan masalah terdiri atas, (1) strategi kesantunan berbahasa pelaku pariwisata terhadap wisatawan Jepang di Bali, (2) gradasi dan pergeseran strategi kesantunan di Bali, (3) alasan pelaku pariwisata menggunakan konsep gradasi dan pergeseran strategi kesantunan berbahasa di Bali, (4) dampak yang diterima oleh wisatawan Jepang berdasarkan gradasi dan pergeseran strategi kesantunan yang dilakukan pelaku pariwisata di Bali. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut, penelitian bertujuan untuk menemukan adanya gradasi dan pergeseran strategi kesantunan berbahasa berdasarkan faktor-faktor sosial yang melatarbelakangi, yaitu power ‘kekuasaan’, distance ‘jarak sosial’ dan rank of imposition ‘tingkat pembebanan’ dan situasi baik formal maupun nonformal. Penelitian kualitatif ini mengambil lokasi penelitian di pulau Bali. Data penelitian terdiri atas data primer yaitu, 1) data kebahasaan berupa dialog antara pelaku pariwisata dengan wisatawan Jepang yang mengandung gradasi dan pergeseran strategi kesantunan berbahasa Jepang, 2) data sekunder adalah dokumen informasi jumlah kunjungan wisatawan Jepang berdasarkan jumlah hunian kamar, data-data pelaku pariwisata yang mampu berbahasa Jepang, hasil analisis data pada judul penelitian dan buku referensi yang relevan. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu, metode interaktif dengan teknik observasi, rekam, simak, catat, dan wawancara. Metode dan teknik analisis yang digunakan dengan cara menyimak setiap data tuturan dilanjutkan dengan memahami, menata serta mengklasifikasikan dan menghubungkan antarkategori kemudian menginterpretasikan data berdasarkan konteks melalui empat tahapan besar yaitu, analisis domain, taksonomi, analisis komponensial, dan tema budaya.

Penelitian ini menemukan, 1) pelaku pariwisata menggunakan empat strategi kesantunan yaitu, strategi kesantunan positif dan negatif, strategi kesantunan off record dan bald on record, yang sangat ditentukan oleh konteks situasi yang mengikuti; 2) adanya gradasi dan pergeseran strategi kesantunan berbahasa PP ketika memberikan bahasa layanan kepada wisatawan Jepang. Pada situasi formal (+For) di awal percakapan, pelaku pariwisata cenderung menggunakan penanda tingkat tutur hormat bentuk sonkeigo dan kenjougo serta lebih dominan memilih strategi kesantunan negatif. Seiring dengan proses komunikasi, ketika memasuki isi percakapan, tuturan lebih banyak menerapkan penanda bentuk teineigo dengan tetap menggunakan strategi kesantunan negatif. Pada penutup percakapan, penanda tingkat tutur masih tetap didominasi oleh bentuk teineigo. Hanya saja, strategi kesantunan bergeser menjadi strategi kesantunan positif. Berbeda halnya dengan situasi nonformal (-For), tidak ditemukan adanya gradasi penggunaan penanda hormat bentuk sonkeigo, kenjougo ataupun overteineigo tetapi terjadi pergeseran penanda tingkat tutur dari bentuk teineigo kebentuk futsuugo dengan dominan menggunakan strategi kesantunan positif; 3)pelaku pariwisata menerapkan konsep gradasi dan pergeseran berdasarkan penanda tingkat tutur hormat dan penanda bahasa pada situasi formal (+For) maupun nonformal (-For) dan didukung oleh factor kekuasaan, (Power/P) jarak sosial (Distance/D) dan tingkat pembebanan (rank of Imposition/I), serta dipengaruhi oleh situasi baik formal maupun nonformal, 4) dampak adanya gradasi dan pergeseran strategi kesantunan berbahasa yaitu, dampak positif ketika pelaku pariwisata memahami perannya sebagai pihak pemberi jasa, 5)Adanya pengaruh latar belakang budaya dan kebiasaan masyarakat Bali, konsep uchisoto tidak diterapkan oleh pelaku pariwisata dalam melakukan tindak tutur dengan wisatawan Jepang.
Kata Kunci: gradasi dan pergeseran, strategi kesantunan, penanda tingkat tutur, pelaku pariwisata, di Bali



A.A. Ayu Dian Andriyani. T131508001. Gradation and Shift in Language Politeness Strategies of Tourism Actors toward Japanese Tourists in Bali. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M.A.; Co-Promotor-1: Prof. Dr. Sumarlam, M.S. ; Co-Promotor 2: Dr. Ely Triasih Rahayu, S.S., M.Hum.;  Dissertation of Doctorate Program of Surakarta Sebelas Maret University.

This dissertation studies gradation and shift in language politeness strategies of tourism actors toward Japanese tourists in Bali. The research problem formulations consisted of (1) language politeness strategies of tourism actors toward Japanese tourists in Bali (2) gradation and shift in politeness strategies in Bali, (3) reasons of tourism actors in using the concepts of gradation and shift in language politeness strategies in Bali, and (4) impact received by Japanese tourists based on the gradation and shift in politeness strategies performed by tourism actors in Bali. Based on such formulations, the objective of this research to find the gradation and shift in language politeness strategies based on the underlying social factors, namely: power, social distance, and rank of imposition as well as formal and non-formal situations.
This qualitative research was done in Bali Island. Its data consisted of primary and secondary ones. The former included linguistic data in the form of dialogues between tourism actors and Japanese tourists, which contain gradation and shift in Japanese politeness strategies. Meanwhile, the latter included documents containing information on the number of Japanese tourist visits based on hotel room occupancies, data of tourism actors who are able to speak Japanese, and results of analysis of data on relevant research titles and references. The data were collected with interactive methods through observation, recording, listening, taking-note, and in-depth interviewing techniques. The analysis technique and method were performed by attentively listening to each datum of utterances/speeches and then understanding, organizing, classifying, and connecting between utterance/speech categories, and finally interpreting them based on the contexts through four primary stages, namely:  domain analysis, taxonomy analysis, componential analysis, and cultural theme analysis.
The results of the research are as follows: 1) The tourism actors used four politeness strategies, namely: positive politeness strategy, negative politeness strategy, off record politeness strategy, and bald on record politeness strategy, which are highly determined by contexts of situations which follow. 2) There were gradation and shift in the politeness strategies of the tourism actors when they extended service language to Japanese tourists. In formal situations (+For) at the beginning conversations, the tourism actors tended to employ respect speech level markers in the forms of sonkeigo and kenjougo and more dominantly to choose negative politeness strategies. Along with the communication process, when entering the contents of the conversations, the tourism actors applied more speech level markers in the form of teineigo while still using a negative politeness strategy. In the closing of the conversations, the use of speech level markers was still dominated by the form of teineigo. Yet, the politeness strategy was shifted from negative to positive one. Meanwhile, in the non-formal situation (-For), such gradation and shift in the respect speech/utterance level markers of either in the form of sonkeigo, kenjougo, or overteineigo were not found, but the shift of speech/utterance level markers  from the form of teineigo to that of futsuugo occurred in which positive politeness strategies dominated. 3) The tourism actors applied the concepts of gradation and shift based on the respect speech level markers and language markers in the formal situation (+For) or in the non-formal situation (-For), which was supported  by the underlying social factors of power (P) social sistance (D) and rank of imposition (I), and affected by the formal or non-formal situations. 4) The gradation and shift in the Japanese language politeness strategies had a positive impact when the tourism actors understood their role as service providers. 5) Due to the cultural background and customs of the Balinese community, the concept of uchisoto was not applied by the tourism actors when performing speech acts against Japanese tourists.
Keywords: Gradation and shift, politeness strategy, speech level markers, tourism actors in Bali