Pilihan Kode pada Masyarakat Jawa (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Eks-Keresidenan Surakarta)


Dasih Wiryastuti. T1202001. Coding in Javanese (Case Study in Ex-Recidency of Surakarta)”. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Sumarlam, M.S.; Co-promotor: Dr. Dwi Purnanto, M.Hum.; Dr. Sri Marmanto, M.Hum., Dissertation of Doctorate Program of Surakarta Sebelas Maret University.

This research was aimed describe the code type, code form, code function, and the causes of the code in the Java community in ex Surakarta Region, with the research area of Surakarta, Boyoali, and Wonogiri.

Theories which are used in this research are theory of speech community proposed by Fisheman (1972), language contact by Weinreich (1974), speech component Dell Hymes (1974), code proposed by Wardhaugh (1986), code switching and code mixing by Hudson (1996) and Unggah-ungguh Bahasa Jawa by Sasangka (2010).

This research was a field research with an approach of Sociolinguistics. Observation and interview were methods used in data gathering technique. Data of the research were in the form of the community speech Ex-Recidency of Surakarta which contains code switching and code mixing. There was an effort of maintaining the language or even a language shift.

By using contextual descriptive method in analyzing the data, result was gained in a form of code variation, code form, code function, and the cause of the code use. Code variation found in the Javanese family (JF) in Ex-Recidency of Surakarta were Indonesian, Javanese, Arabic, and English code with the determine factor of (1) scope, (2) speech member, and (3) norm. There were code switching and code mixing.

For JF in rural area it was Javanese code except for old JF in Wonogiri was varied from Indonesian code to code mixing. JF in urban area’s choice of code were Javanese, Indonesian, English, and code mixing of Javanese-Indonesian. Javanese code used was mostly in a form of Ng-lugu and Ng-alus and only small amount of using Kr-lugu or Kr-alus. Javanese code of Ng-lugu was functioned to: (1) facilitate communication and (2) intimacy. The cause of Ng-lugu appearance were: (1) habit, (2) children were not taught and used to use Javanese code of Kr, (3) the society used Javanese code Ng-Lugu, and (4) children got difficulties in applying Kr. Javanese code of Ng-alus was functioned to: (1) respect the elderly, and (2) speech appropriateness. The causes of Ng-alus code appearance were (1) respecting elderly and (2) the existence of third parties. Javanese code of Kr-lugu was functioned to:  (1) respect elderly, and (2) speech appropriateness. The cause of Javanese code Kr- to exist were (2) children norm to the elderly, and (3) to respect the elderly. Indonesian code existed in a form of informal code. The functions were to: (1) facilitate communication and children preparedness to communicate outside the community. The causes of Indonesian code use were (1) easiness, (2) intimacy, and (3) the use of IC in school.

The code variety in Javanese Community (JC) in ex Surakarta Region was captured from the community formal and informal activities. In formal situation, in the rural area, most of them used Javanese and Arabic code, while in the urban area, most of the people used Indonesian, Javanese and Arabic code. For youth organization (Karang Taruna), they used Indonesian and Arabic code. Indonesian code in a form of formal language was functioned as unifier as it could be used as connector among various dialects. Javanese code in a form of Kr-alus was functioned to show the formality level due to the speech context was in a formal situation. The use of Arabic code was functioned to: (1) gree,t and (2) show religious conversation. The cause of the use of Arabic code was due to most of Indonesian people were Muslims. In informal situation, JC in both rural and urban area used Javanese code. The Javanese code was in a form of Ng-lugu and Kr-alus. Javanese code of Ng-lugu was functioned as: (1) intimacy and (2) communication facilitator due to the relation of the member were intimate and coeval. Javanese code Kr-alus was functioned to respect the conversation partner who is older due to the difference of age and social status.

Key words: code choice, Ex-Recidency of Surakarta, Javanese community, sociolinguistics



Dasih Wiryastuti. T1202001. Pilihan Kode pada Masyarakat Jawa (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Eks-Keresidenan Surakarta). Promotor: Prof. Dr. Sumarlam, M.S.; Ko-promotor: Dr. Dwi Purnanto, M.Hum.; Dr. Sri Marmanto, M.Hum., Dissertation of Doctorate Program of Surakarta Sebelas Maret University.

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan jenis kode, wujud kode, fungsi kode, dan faktor penyebab munculnya kode pada masyarakat tutur Jawa di Eks-Keresidenan Surakarta, dengan daerah kajian Surakarta, Boyolali, dan wonogiri.

Teori-teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori masyarakat tutur yang dikemukakan oleh Fishman (1972), kontak bahasa oleh Weinreich (1974) komponen tutur oleh Dell Hymes (1974), kode dikemukakan oleh Wardhaugh (1986), alih kode serta campur kode oleh Hudson (1996) dan Unggah-ungguh Bahasa Jawa oleh Sasangka (2010).

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan menggunakan pendekatan Sosiolinguistik. Metode observasi dan wawancara merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam penyediaan data. Data penelitian ini berupa tuturan masyarakat Eks-Keresidenan Surakarta di dalamnya mengandung unsur campur kode dan alih kode. Ada usaha pemertahanan ataupun justru ada pergeseran. Dengan menggunakan metode deskripsi kontekstual dalam menganalisis data, diperoleh hasil penelitian berupa variasi kode bahasa, wujud kode, fungsi kode, serta faktor pennggunaan kode. Jenis kode yang ditemukan pada ranah keluarga Jawa (KJ) di wilayah Eks-Keresidenan Surakarta adalah kode BI, BJ, BA dan BIG dengan faktor-faktor penentu (1) ranah, (2) peserta tutur, dan (3) norma.

Pada RK di wilayah desa, digunakan kode BJ kecuali KJ tua Wonogiri bervariasi BI dan Campur kode. KJ di wilayah kota memilih kode BJ, BI, BIG, campur kode BJ+ BI dengan dasar BJ atau BI. Kode BJ yang digunakan sebagian besar berwujud Ng-lugu dan Ng-alus hanya sebagian kecil  menggunakan kode BJ Kr-lugu maupun Kr-alus. Kode BJ  berwujud Ng-lugu berfungsi untuk: (1) memperlancar  komunikasi dan (2) keakraban. Penyebab munculnya kode BJ Ng- lugu:  (1) kebiasaan, (2) anak tidak dididik, dan dibiasakan menggunakan kode BJ Kr-, (3) lingkungan menggunakan kode BJ Ng-lugu, dan (4) anak mengalami kesulitan menerapkan Kr-. Kode BJ berwujud Ng-alus berfungsi untuk: (1) menghormati orang tua dan (2) kepantasan tutur. Sebab munculnya kode Ng-alus (1) menghormati orang tua/lebih tua dan (2) kehadiran O3. Kode BJ berwujud Kr-lugu berfungsi (1) menghormati orang tua/lebih tua dan (2) kepantasan tutur. Faktor penyebab munculnya kode BJ Kr- (1) tatakrama anak kepada orang tua dan (2) menghormati orang tua. Kode BI berwujud kode bahasa informal. Fungsi kode BI untuk: (1) kelancaran komunikasi, dan (kesiapan anak komunikasi di luar.) Sebab munculnya kode BI (1) mudah, (2) keakraban, (3) di sekolah menggunakan kode BI.

Pilihan kode pada RM Jawa (MJ) di wilayah Eks-Keresidenan Surakarta dipotret dari kegiatan kemasyarakatan bersifat formal dan informal. Pada situasi formal di wilayah  desa sebagian besar menggunakan kode BJ, dan BAR sedangkan di kota  sebagian besar menggunakan kode BI, BJ dan BAR. Khusus Karang Taruna menggunakan kode BI dan BAR. Kode BI berwujud BI baku berfungsi  pemersatu sebab dapat memperhubungkan penutur bebagai dialek. Kode BJ bewujud Kr-alus berfungsi untuk menyatakan tingkat keresmian sebab konteks tutur terjadi pada situasi formal. Penggunaan kode BAR berfungsi: (1) memberi salam, dan (2) menunjukkan pembicara religius. Sebab digunakan kode BAR sebagian besar warga negara Indonesia beragama Islam. Pada situasi non-formal  MJ desa maupun MJ kota menggunakan kode BJ. Kode BJ berwujud Ng-lugu dan Kr-alus. Kode BJ Ng-lugu befungsi untuk: (1) keakraban dan (2) kelancaran komunikasi sebab relasi antar anggota akrab dan umur sebaya. Kode BJ Kr-alus berfungsi untuk menghormati mitra tutur yang lebih tua sebab adanya perbedaan umur dan status sosial.

Kata Kunci: pilihan kode, Eks-Keresidenan Surakarta, masyarakat Jawa, sosiolinguistik